What is "Urban solutions to green transitions"

In our Living Lab, we will:

  • Make pilot projects with the end-users
  • Hold a speaker’s series and arrange field trips in Nordhavn
  • Make long-term data gathering and observations
  • Make connections to UCPH teaching/courses and supervision of students
  • Special focus on engaging young scholars
  • Develop applied research with private, public companies, NGOs and citizens

As a start, we will focus on these 3 topics:

  • Nature-based solutions - How do we manage for diverse values, preferences, and visions for human well-being, social cohesion, and ecological sustainability in the development and management of urban nature?
  • Digital infrastructure - How does a digital approach to neighbourhood building mediate the configuration and development of urban sustainability? And to whose benefit?
  • Post-industrial development - How can we trace the links of the past to the present in models for circular economy and neighbourhood development?