For external partners

We want to engage with private and public companies, NGOs and citizen groups in teaching, research, dialogue and other forms of collaboration. 

Through our Living Labs, we can help companies, NGOs, public partners, and others to access researchers and knowledge across UCPH. All activities in the lab are based on these objectives:

  • Generating and co-creating ideas and solutions with all partners relevant to urban green transition
  • Being a provider of multidisciplinary research-based solutions and activities for making a better green transition of urban areas
  • Being the place for applied experimentation in a real environment at UCPH or partner(s) place
  • Making the next generation well-founded and qualified to contribute to an urban green transition 


The kick-off event for launching the Urban Solutions to Green Transitions Living Lab in Nordhavn was held on August 23, 2023, from 12:00 to 14:00.

In the Nordhavn-based Green Solutions Centre Living Lab, Urban Solutions to the Green Transition, we invited around 40 researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and local stakeholders to a workshop to engage in our lab and help develop a new platform for exchange, collaboration and solutions to pressing challenges.

At the launch, we:

  • Introduced the aims of the lab, including funding for projects with stakeholders.
  • Identified and discussed knowledge gaps and current challenges to urban development in Nordhavn.
  • Provided a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and data generation between researchers and practitioners.

These conversations formed, and will continue to form, the basis for future collaborations on funded pilot research or innovation projects to develop green solutions for sustainable urban transitions in Nordhavn and beyond.

Welcome with an introduction to the living lab and the development and vision of Nordhavn were held by

For more information, check our LinkedIn post and our article: Urban Solutions to the Green Transition: Knowledge gaps and a research agenda from the Living Lab in Nordhavn, Copenhagen.