26 January 2023

The green transition needs insights from Social Sciences and Humanities research

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A green transition is very much about people's behaviour, opportunities and willingness to change their behaviour – to adapt. If we are to create lasting changes in relation to the environment, we need to rethink and to some extent change the way in which our society is organised. This also applies to values and practice.

Green Solutions Centre is consciously working to gather knowledge for solutions that span across all disciplines. This is the only way in which we, as a society, can gather the necessary knowledge and open up the necessary dialogue across the population groups, the business community and institutions.

In collaboration with the Food and Bio Cluster, the centre has explored the transformation process into a more plant-based food system, and as a result we have prepared a reflection paper based on the dialogue and findings that this collaboration has fostered.

The purpose of the reflection paper is to focus on the knowledge and opportunities that the social sciences and humanities research contribute in relation to promoting the green transition to a more plant-based food system.

The paper dives deeper into themes such as:

  • Organisational transition
  • Values and market
  • Use and user involvement
  • Management, regulation and management
  • Technological and infrastructural innovation

Big thanks goes to Frank Sejersen, Freja Mørk Hansen and Halfdan Harold Wulff Ekins, who are the authors behind the reflection paper, which is from November 2022.

Please note that the reflection paper is still only available in Danish.

Enjoy the read!

Mette Frimodt Møller
Living Lab Manager, Green Solutions Centre 

Read the reflection paper: The Social Sciences and Humanities Possible contribution to the transition to a more plant-based Food system (in Danish)

