For external partners

We want to engage with private and public companies, NGOs, and citizen groups in teaching, research, dialogue, and other forms of collaboration.
Through our Living Labs, we can help companies, NGOs, public partners, and others to get access to researchers and knowledge across UCPH. All activities in the lab are based on these objectives:
- Generating and co-creating ideas and solutions with all partners relevant to land use change for the green transition
- Being a provider of multidisciplinary research-based solutions and activities for making a better green transition of land use
- Being the place for applied experimentation in a real environment at UCPH or partner(s) place
- Making the next generation well-founded and qualified to contribute to the land use change for the green transition
As a start, we will do five pilot projects in collaboration with these partners:
- Sorø Kommune
- Holbæk Kommune
- Kalundborg Kommune
- Naturstyrelsen
- Naturfonden
- Naturpark Åmosen Sekretatiatet
- Kalundborg forsyning
- Gate 21
- Museum Vestsjælland
- Klimarådet
Possible future external partners:
- Local citizen groups such as local archives and the local branch of Dansk Vandrelaug.
- Local botanists/local branch of Dansk Naturfredningsforening
- Local schools/scouts
- Others
Living Lab Manager
Mette Frimodt-Møller is Living Lab Manager, and you can contact her here.