GSC Priming Meeting: KU Funding for Knowledge Gap Projects

Integration of Climate, Agriculture, Nature and Environment in Public Sector Services.

Learn about the call for KU Knowledge Gap pilot projects and the KU GSC Knowledge Gap Report "Integrated Public Sector Services and research for nature, climate, environment and agriculture: A knowledge gap report"


There is an increasing need for research that combines nature, climate, environment and agriculture and for comprehensive solutions in this area to reach authorities, politicians, and other decision-makers. In response, Green Solutions Centre (GSC) has developed the Knowledge Gap Report “Integrated Public Sector Services and research for nature, climate, environment and agriculture” and launched a call for proposals that will address the identified knowledge gaps.

The Knowledge Gap Report is developed by the writing group comprising Frida Hastrup (HUM), Anders Blok (SCIENCE/SAMF), Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen (SUND), Stine Krøijer (SAMF) and Svend Christensen (SCIENCE).

It is based on the output from an idea-generating workshop held in June with the participation of 30+ KU researchers from across all faculties and the consecutive input by the participants during the summer.

The KU leadership has prioritized part of the extraordinary funding from “Forskningsreserven” to this project with the intention to strengthen KU interdisciplinary capacity building, create a basis for integrated research-based Public Sector Service for the green transition in Denmark and more broadly for promoting a research agenda that integrates climate, nature, agriculture and environment.

Funding of DKK 500.000 to DKK 1 million will be granted for pilot projects that address one or more knowledge gaps in the report. The funding is available for all KU researchers.

Program for the priming meeting:


Welcome and introduction to the program, the overall purpose, process and timeline of the Knowledge Gap Report by Svend Christensen (SCIENCE)


Presentation of the Knowledge Gap Report and the knowledge gaps by the writing group members: Svend Christensen (SCIENCE), Frida Hastrup (HUM), Anders Blok (SCIENCE/SAMF) and Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen (SUND).

11:00- 11:10 

Presentation of the Knowledge Gap Call for proposals by Astrid Cermak, GSC Secretariat.

11:10 -11:20

Coffee break


Discussions in groups facilitated by the writing group members



For further information, contact Mette Appel Skjolden, GSC Secretariat,