About Green Solutions Centre
UCPH Green Solutions Centre aims to develop interdisciplinary solutions to obtain societal and global green goals. The centre was established in 2021 with a genuine desire to collaborate on research-based green solutions across the faculties of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH).
Together and with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity, the UCPH researchers collaborate towards research-based co-creation of green and sustainable solutions.
GSC is a bottom-up initiative with the participation of scientists from all UCPH Faculties, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and Faculty of Theology. GSC supports the development of sustainable green solutions that are acceptable and implementable.
Vision for UCPH Green Solutions Centre
We aim to contribute to green solutions that will influence the green transition in Denmark and for integration of UCPHs interdisciplinary professionalism, which covers the entire value chain, in collaboration with external partners, ensuring that durable green solutions are developed.
The centre supports the training of graduates who have the competencies to provide green solutions and the necessary transformations in companies and organizations.
Kirsten Busch Nielsen, Chairperson and Dean, Faculty of Humanities
Kristian Cedervall Lauta, Prorector for Education, UCPH
Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, Dean, Faculty of Science
Svend Christensen (SCIENCE)
Vibe Garf Ulfbeck (JUR)
Frida Hastrup (HUM)
Birgit Nørrung (SUND)
Stine Krøijer (SAMF)
Stig Eduard Breitenstein Jensen (TEOL)
Janus Mortensen (HUM)
Beatriz Martinez Romera (JUR)
Michael Krabbe Borregaard (SUND)
Anders Blok (SCIENCE/SAMF)
Solveig Krogh Christiansen (GSC)
Solveig Krogh Christiansen (GSC)
Martin Bukh Vestergaard (SAMF)
Jacob Juul Gade (SCIENCE)
Johanne Keiding (JUR)
Mathias Westermann Møller (SUND)
Mie Morthorst (HUM)