KU festival: Green Hub Orientkaj and Danish Energy Communities in a Just Green Transition?

KU festival talks
Join us for an enlightening talk where students who have received funding from the Green Solutions Centre (GSC) will talk about their projects and the opportunities the funding has given them.

The talk and discussion will be about green transition, energy justice, engagement of citizens, urban planning, and more. We will be joined by students and GSC Living Lab Manager Mette Frimodt-Møller, who can answer questions about student funding options in GSC. The projects are:

1. Danish Energy Communities in a Just Green Transition

Political Sciences students Emilie Pihlkjær Nitschke and Emma Søe Naldal will share insights and findings from their project, "How do renewable energy communities in Denmark reflect a just green transition?” With the support of GSC who funded travel and interview expenses, Emilie and Emma conducted interviews with 10 renewable energy communities.

2. Green Hub Orientkaj

Landscape Architecture students Andrea and Theresa will present how they collaborated with Gehl Architects and employed the Eye Level City Tool app to achieve public involvement in their master thesis, with the goal of transforming Orientkaj Plaza, Nordhavn, into a thriving hub for all inhabitants.

The funding in GSC is available for all students working cross-disciplinary. Read more about the funding opportunity here.

Date and Time:
May 31 at 14:30
