GSC Conference

Lightbulb with a plant inside.

Please find the program, inspirational speakers and much more here.

The Green Solutions Centre (GSC) management invites you to a GSC conference on October 9th 2023, featuring external inspirational speakers and GSC thematic solutions networks that have signed up to host a session at the conference. The conference takes place at IDA Conference, Kalvebod Brygge 31, Copenhagen and is for all UCPH researchers (including PhD students) and supporters engaged with aspects of the green transition.

GSC´s interdisciplinary work for the green transition responds to the global and urgent need for innovative green solutions that address the climate, biodiversity and environmental crisis. At the conference, the interdisciplinary networks will present how their thematic solutions can contribute to the green transition, share their experiences on interdisciplinary collaboration and discuss the development of solutions and the visions for their respective themes. This is an in-person follow-up to the virtual GSC kick-off conference held February 2021, and an opportunity to look ahead together with peers.

Read more and sign up for the waitlist here.

(Please note that this is an internal event for employees and researchers at the University of Copenhagen).